If You Want Something Done….

Give it to a Busy Person…

This is a statement I have heard more than once in recent times. I wonder what that really means.  Does it mean that if you have too much to do that you organize better?  Or does it mean that as we fill up our lives with activities, chores and obligations that we are in a survival mode?

Businesswoman multitasking isolated
So much to do, So little time!

How about the other side of this coin?  If we don’t have enough going on, do we become complacent or lazy?

I have to say that I create my own “busy-ness.”   So many times I get asked to do things and I rarely say no.  I often hear my colleagues and friends express the same sentiment.  I am sure this happens to many of you.

I think that on some level, we are flattered that someone thinks enough of our competence to ask us to participate, and therefore we must “accept” the charge.  We look at the calendar, see that the date is free and say “sure, I can do that!”  But when we actually have to complete the task, we ask ourselves “what was I thinking?  I should never have said I would do that.”

Job Stress
I guess I am not the superhero I think I am!


And then it comes time to meet your own duties and goals. Often, when you are busy, you let some of these things go, because after all, you are not a superhero.  To the outside world, you look like you are amazing, because you have met all of your external obligations which are all of those things you said “yes” to and had to get done.

I guess I am not the superhero I would like think I am.  I have let my blog be one of those goals that fell through the cracks.  Whenever I had a moment to write, I felt paralyzed.  It was almost as if I was being defiant, as if the dialog I was having with myself was “I have been too busy, and just for that, I am NOT going to write!”  Some other personal goals have fallen short as well, including my own Jewelry Business.

It was almost as if I was being defiant, as if the dialog I was having with myself was “I have had too much to do, and just for that, I am NOT going to write”. 

Are you one of those busy people who “over-accept?”  I sure would like to get better at saying “no” to those things that make my life crazy.  All of us “busy” folks need to re-assess what is truly important to do.

 All of this talk about decluttering our spaces—what about decluttering our lives?

Let me know what you think.    How will you “Declutter” your life?  Now back to making my jewelry!busy jeweler









Lynne Patnode is the owner of Silverspiral Creations whose mission is to create wearable jewelry art from nature’s most beautiful stones.  She also creates fused glass jewelry art inspired by nature.



One thought on “If You Want Something Done….

  1. You hit it right on the nosey! Yes, I find I tend to get things done for others, and let my own obligations go. Its so hard. You want to be able to say “yes” to other people, all the time. Often you wind up sacrificing the time you would be using to create something new. Then, you get so busy, that you just need to do nothing! But, sometimes you come back refreshed after a break. I am trying to declutter my life by preparing earlier for things I know I’m going to be doing. Just trying to have more advanced organizing. For example, if I know I’m going to be away for a few days, I am trying to get all my blog posts prepped before-hand so that I am not panicking at the last minute or having to struggle with wifi on the road. As for physical decluttering, I also find that my brain works better when I have less physical “stuff” around me. But, that is a tough battle!! I feel like I clean out an overflowing drawer and, sure, now I can close it,…but it is still too full!


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